
In March we launched our new core values, and we are excited to share them! Read more.

Letter from Lori

Dear Friends,

In March, the Kentucky Humane Society team gathered at the University of Louisville Rauch Planetarium to celebrate the lifesaving achievements of our staff.

Every day, our compassionate team saves and improves lives. From our kennel attendants who provide daily care for the animals, to our adoption counselors, from our Pet Resorts staff to our veterinary teams, from our fundraising folks to our Pet Help Line staff: everyone at KHS is dedicated to helping animals and the people who love them.

At this celebration, we also unveiled our new core values, which I want to share with you. Core values are the fundamental beliefs that our staff live by every day. These guiding principles highlight what the Kentucky Humane Society stands for.

Always Pawsitive:
  • Embracing optimism at all times with animals, ourselves, each other and our community.
Compassion Matters:
  • Meeting everyone with an open mind, kindness and respect.
Inspire Others:
  • Encouraging collaboration, perseverance and dedication for our mission.
  • Leading the change our communities need.

You may notice these core values and their symbols on staff T shirts, posters, printed materials and the KHS website. We live and breathe these values every day.

At a Kentucky Humane Society supporter, your core values are probably very similar to ours. You demonstrate compassion when you adopt or foster. You exhibit “pawsitivity” when you volunteer or attend KHS events. You inspire others when you share why you support KHS. And you lead the change our communities need when you donate to KHS.

Thank you for being a KHS supporter, and for demonstrating our core values every day.

In gratitude,

Lori Kane Redmon Signature

Lori Kane Redmon
President and CEO

core values

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