Seniors Like Bear Need You

At 15 years old, Bear was surrendered to the Kentucky Humane Society

Dear Friend of the Animals,

Unwanted animals like Bear need your love. This 15-year-old Shepherd mix has bounced from home to home, and he still has so much love to give.

When animals get on in years, it can be hard for them to find forever homes. The reality is they can’t compete with the younger pets who quickly get adopted.

Bear became homeless when his family divorced. A relative took Bear in — but when Bear’s new owner lost his job and home during the pandemic, Bear was again left behind with no one to love him. That’s when Bear came to the Kentucky Humane Society.

It’s heartbreaking to see our senior animals — like Bear — waiting patiently. They look out at everyone who comes in with hope in their cloudy eyes and a wag in their tails. We make an extra effort to show folks our seniors, pointing out their gentle natures and kind hearts. Sadly, it’s the older dogs, cats and horses who are often left behind.

But we don’t give up on animals like Bear. Someday, someone will fall in love with them. We just know it.

With your generous support of the Kentucky Humane Society, you open your heart to all abandoned animals. You give dogs like Bear the time and comprehensive care they need to see them through to brighter days.

Then your gift will help them find fantastic homes with people who will love them forever.

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Right now, it’s harder to care for animals, as the need is so great. Dogs, cats and horses in Jefferson County and throughout Kentucky are in crisis, and our resources are stretched to the limit. Animals like Bear need you more than ever.

But I have hope for all our older animals that they’ll find someone who loves them — just like Bear is loved. After we posted Bear’s photo to our website, a local teacher named Rita saw his picture and couldn’t stop thinking about him. She has a special place in her heart for senior dogs. We cried happy tears when sweet Bear went home with her!

There are so many animals just like Bear who deserve to find forever families. They’re counting on your help.

Give today to provide the personalized care animals like Bear need when others have failed them. Your loving donation will help more animals who only want a family to cherish.

On behalf of the animals who will be rescued and healed because of your generosity, thank you! Your support makes everything — including falling in love — possible at the Kentucky Humane Society.

With gratitude,

Lori Kane Redmon
President & CEO

P.S. Please donate today to help animals like Bear. You can give a one-time gift, or donate monthly to help animals year round.

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