
Healthy Foal Arrives After Long Wait

We have exciting news to share Hope – a horse who survived the shooting of 20 members of her herd in December – gave birth to a healthy, wobbly-kneed colt on May 17! Both “mom” and baby are doing well.

You may remember that in December 2019, the Kentucky Humane Society took in three horses from Eastern Kentucky after the other members of their herd were gunned down in an inhumane act of tragedy. One of these survivors, Hope, was a pregnant mare.

Hope foaled a healthy colt at our Willow Hope Farm on Sunday morning. The colt is properly nursing and shares a strong bond with Hope. The colt’s older sister, Diamond, who had little if any human contact before her rescue, is in training at our farm, and all three are enjoying pasture time. Our team is routinely checking on all three horses and ensuring that the foal is progressing well in his first 48 hours of life.

This foal will never know the tragedy that took place in Floyd County, but your belief in horses like Hope and Diamond makes it possible for our team to continue our lifesaving mission. Thank you for your support!

Help With Needy Horses

Our team is caring for 43+ horses at the farm, including 22 horses we rescued last week after their former owner was charged with cruelty. This is resulting in a significant financial burden, on top of the pandemic.

To help, Eleemosynary by LMH Foundation Inc., a local family foundation, is offering a $5,000 matching challenge for gifts made to help our horses. Can you help us meet this matching challenge? Donate today to help.

Would you like to name Hope’s foal? Contact Savannah at 502-515-3145 to make a $1,000 donation. Your sponsorship will support our lifesaving mission, and you’ll get to name the new colt!

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