Struggling to Keep Your Pet?
Pet Resource Services Has Resources to Help Your Pet Stay in Your Home
The Kentucky Humane Society’s Pet Resource Services provides free advice for whatever animal issues you are experiencing. Whether you need help managing your cat’s or dog’s behavior, need a referral for affordable spay/neuter services, vaccines, pet-friendly housing, pet food banks or other assistance, our Pet Resource Counselors can help! You can reach our Pet Resource Services team by clicking the button above to fill out a Pet Resource Services Contact form.
Our Pet Resource Counselors are available to assist you seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday – Sunday.
Please note: our Pet Resource Services staff are not veterinarians and cannot give medical advice. We can give referrals to veterinarians.
Behavior Support
The Kentucky Humane Society wants to help strengthen the bond between you and your pets through education and positive training. Our Pet Resource Counselors are happy to provide knowledge and advice on your pet’s behavior issues. You can also access some basic information on normal dog and cat behavior through the handouts linked below.
Other Resources from KHS and Other Organizations
KHS Dog Training Classes
- KHS offers reasonably priced, positive reinforcement behavior classes for dogs. Learn more
Pet-Friendly Housing
- Looking for pet-friendly housing? Check out our Finding Pet Friendly Housing Guide!
Safe Haven for Survivors of Domestic Violence
- Since 2001, KHS has partnered with The Center for Women & Families to provide safe, anonymous fostering of dogs and cats whose owners are escaping domestic violence or sexual abuse. This program offered through the Center for Women and Families. Only those in domestic violence situations who are currently clients with the Center for Women and Families may apply through their case manager there. Learn more
Local Pet Food Banks
Unfortunately, due the lack of sustainable and consistent supply sources we are no longer able to offer assistance through a weekly KHS food bank. If you are needing assistance with pet food, please refer to the resources below.
Church of the Advent
[email protected]
901 Baxter Avenue, Louisville KY 40203
9-11 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of each month (Requires a photo ID)
No Kill Pet Food Bank
By Appointment Only – Apply Online
[email protected]
2012 Northwestern Parkway,
Louisville KY 40203
1st and 3rd Saturday of each month
Serenity Center
Must be Shelbyville Resident
536 Frankfort Road, Shelbyville, KY, 40065
Every Wednesday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
If you are outside of Louisville, we recommend you look into your local churches, food pantries and animal rescue organizations to see what resources may be available in your area. You can also use the following resources to try to find assistance in your area:
No Kill Louisville’s Pet Food Bank
- NKL’s Pet Food Bank provides free two-week supplies of pet food on a first-come basis to families and their pets. Learn more
Low-Cost Spay/Neuter
- The KHS S.N.I.P. Clinic provides high-quality, low-cost spay and neuter surgeries for owned pets. They also offer financial aid to people who cannot afford the clinic’s already low costs. Learn more
Help for Unowned Cats
- Do you have community, unowned cats (feral cats) in your neighborhood? Alley Cat Advocates (ACA) is Louisville’s leader in protecting and spaying/neutering these pets. Check out their website for helpful tips and resources. Questions about community, unowned cats? Contact the ACA Community Cat Coordinator at 634-8777.
Thank You
Our Pet Help Line and Pet Retention Services are generously supported by PetSmart Charities Joanne W. Gauntt Charitable Foundation and The Grey Muzzle Organization.