Sponsor an Animal

Help Animals by Sponsoring Their Stay at KHS

Sponsorships help all pets who come to the Kentucky Humane Society by offsetting the costs of providing food, shelter, enrichment and veterinary care. You can sponsor as much, or as little, as you wish. Every dollar helps!

It’s easy to sponsor a dog, cat or horse: simply click on any animal’s photo on our adoption pages, and you’ll see the “Sponsor Me” link appear below the animal’s larger picture. You can sponsor any of our adoptable dogs, cats or horses by making a donation using the “Sponsor Me” form. Your gift will support our lifesaving mission.

If you you prefer to Sponsor an Animal in person, a Kentucky Humane Society adoption counselor will be happy to help you.

Why Sponsor an Animal?

  • Would you like a pet, but your landlord won’t let you adopt? SPONSOR AN ANIMAL!
  • Do you love animals but can’t have one because of allergies? SPONSOR AN ANIMAL!
  • Do you already have a full household or barn, but you see that special animal you’d like to help? SPONSOR AN ANIMAL!
  • Are you looking for a meaningful birthday or anniversary gift for yourself or someone else? SPONSOR AN ANIMAL!
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