Lost and Found

Resources to Help Reunite Lost or Found Pets

There are two animal shelters in Louisville that receive stray pets: Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS) at 3528 Newburg Road, and the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) at 241 Steedly Drive. LMAS is a municipal shelter, which means they are required by city ordinances to accept strays. LMAS takes the vast majority of stray animals in Jefferson County.  KHS is a private nonprofit shelter and accepts strays by appointment as space allows.  Per city ordinance, both agencies keep stray pets for five days to allow their owners time to find them. After that time, the pets can be made available for adoption.

If you think your pet may be listed as a stray animal at LMAS or KHS, please visit the shelter immediately.

Report a Lost or Found Pet

Louisville Metro Animal Services is the government agency responsible for picking up stray pets in Louisville Metro. To report a lost or found pet or to search for pets at LMAS, please visit their website: LMAS Lost and Found 

License Tags and Micro-chipping Are Your Pet’s Ticket Home

An animal wearing its license tag and/or a microchip can return home much faster and easier than one without a tag. Anyone finding an animal can call Louisville Metro Animal Services’ dispatch number at 502-363-6609 with the license tag number and receive the owner’s name, address and phone number. Veterinarians and shelters can also scan the pet for a micro-chip to discover the owner’s contact information.

What Else Can I Do?

In addition to registering your lost pet with LMAS and checking with both LMAS and KHS, please also consider:

  • Posting a flier, with your pet’s photograph, in your neighborhood
  • Posting your pet’s photo and information on your Facebook and other social media pages

Many animals have reunited with their owner’s thanks to Facebook and other online resources. We recommend you add your lost or found listing to:

PetcoLoveLost.org, which uses facial recognition technology to find lost pets
Louisville Lost & Found Pets Network of Facebook
Louisville Lost & Found Pets Advocates on Facebook
Kentuckiana Lost & Found Pet Network on Facebook

Lost Pets Kentuckiana on Facebook
Craigs List – Louisville
Louisville Lost & Found

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