You can support the animals at the Kentucky Humane Society with your purchases from Amazon! Since 2014, KHS has received over $14,000 in donations because of Amazon shoppers like you! Purchases truly add up to saving lives!

Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Kentucky’s animals when you sign up and choose the Kentucky Humane Society as your charitable organization of choice.

You only need to sign up once. If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, sign up on your web browser and you’ll receive access to an AmazonSmile dashboard showing you how many donations your purchases have generated. Then, be sure to bookmark and shop through the AmazonSmile store to ensure your purchases support Kentucky’s animals.

AmazonSmile works with your current Amazon or Amazon Prime accounts, so there’s no need to sign up for another account. To learn more about the AmazonSmile Program, visit the AmazonSmile homepage.

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