Manners for Life, dogs 4 months and older

On - March 29, 2025 - May 3, 2025
Timing - 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
At Kentucky Humane Society East Campus
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Manners for Life, dogs 4 months and older

6 weeks, meeting Saturdays, 2:00 – 3:00 pm from March 29 – May 3
at the Kentucky Humane Society’s East Campus located at 1000 Lyndon Lane, Louisville, KY 40222.
Instructor: Cherie
$150 +tax

It’s time for your dog to learn the basics! Your canine friend will learn to sit, stay, down, walk on a leash and more in the presence of distractions like other dogs and their handlers. Classes also address unwanted behaviors, such as leash pulling and jumping on people. Class meets for one hour once a week for six weeks at the same time and day each week. 

*If your dog is fearful or becomes overly excited (barking, lunging, or excessively pulling) when they see dogs, people, or other things in their environment, they may not be appropriate for this class. Reactive Rover, Wallflowers, or another class might be a better fit. If you need help determining which class is right for you, please call our Community Behavior Department at 502-253-2883.

Please bring a copy of your dog’s most recent vaccination records to the first night of class. Vaccinations required are rabies, distemper/parvo (titers accepted for dogs over two years of age) and bordetella. There have been documented cases of Canine Influenza in our area. The Kentucky Humane Society strongly recommends that the Canine Influenza Vaccine and subsequent booster vaccination be given prior to attending behavior training class. Learn more. Students who elect not to get this vaccination may attend class but will be asked to sign a waiver.

Payment is required at registration. As all funds go back to care for the animals in our shelter, all fees are non-refundable.




Registration Information

Owner Information

*If interested in private training, contact [email protected] or call at (502) 253-2883 for a list of independent trainers.

Pet Information

Vaccine Requirements

Dogs 4 months and older are required are rabies, distemper/parvo, and bordetella. A canine influenza vaccine is recommended. Please review all vaccine requirements prior to completing enrollment. You will be required to submit vaccine records prior to the first class. If you have any questions, please call 502-253-2883.





Registration Options

In order to register online, please pay the full amount for your selected class (unless you have a coupon or gift certificate). If you do not wish to pay online please call Customer Support at (502) 253-2883 for other payment options.

Please read the following before finalizing your registration request. DISCLAIMER: This registration does not reserve a spot in class until it is received and reviewed by Customer Support, who will then send you a complete class information email to confirm your spot in class. Payments are non-refundable; however, you can request a class transfer if we are not notified within 72 hours prior to the start of class. No transfers will be granted once class starts.


Booking Summary

x Manners for Life, 4 months and older
Total Price
$159.00 Taxes included
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