Now more than ever, it’s crucial that the Kentucky Humane Society is here for companion animals and the people who love them.
Donations are being matched through Thursday, April 23, so your gift will have TWICE the impact. The Joanne W. Gauntt Charitable Foundation is matching donations to the Kentucky Humane Society, up to a total of $35,000, to help us address the COVID-19 crisis.
Here’s what donating to the Kentucky Humane Society means right now.
- With your help, we are caring for over 300 animals, including 240 living in temporary foster homes. Donations during this critical time help KHS provide food, medication and TLC to needy dogs, cats and horses now and in the future.
- On March 30, we opened a COVID-19 pet food bank for families struggling to feed their animals because of the economic crisis. In the first week alone, over 700 families were assisted.
- Our free Pet Help Line is counseling over 1,000 families a week, including many pet owners who are impacted by the pandemic.
- Thanks to restricted grant funding, we can offer emergency vouchers to qualifying pet and horse owners so they can keep their beloved animals.
- Our community behavior department is offering virtual private training to help dog owners address problem behaviors, and on social media, we’re providing “quaran-train” tips, showing how people can train their dogs at home.
We know so many are struggling right now. If you are in a position to make a donation of any size, we’d be endlessly grateful. Whatever the amount, your donation before 11:59 p.m. April 23 will be matched, doubling your impact. Every dollar counts in a time like this, and we can’t thank you enough.
To our entire KHS family of donors, adopters and volunteers: we can get through this together, and we promise to make you proud of supporting the Kentucky Humane Society. #TeamKentucky
Keep up-to-date on how the pandemic is impacting KHS by visiting Looking for positive news about animals you’re helping? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.