Puppy with Broken Paws Recovering at KHS

In early November, the Kentucky Humane Society took in an injured five-month-old puppy from an overcrowded Kentucky shelter.

MacGregor, as we have named him, suffered blunt force trauma to his front paws that have resulted in broken metacarpal bones in both his right and his left paws. These are very unusual injuries and we do not know what may have caused them, but we are determined to help MacGregor recover from this trauma.

View the latest updated about MacGregor from our Facebook page:

MACGREGOR UPDATE: We wanted to give everyone an update on MacGregor, the puppy who came to KHS after suffering blunt…

Posted by Kentucky Humane Society on Tuesday, November 16, 2021

GOOD NEWS ON MACGREGOR! We appreciate everyone’s concern and support for MacGregor, a five-month-old puppy who came to…

Posted by Kentucky Humane Society on Friday, November 12, 2021

MACGREGOR UPDATE: MacGregor is a five-month-old puppy who came to the Kentucky Humane Society last week from an…

Posted by Kentucky Humane Society on Monday, November 8, 2021

RECENT ARRIVAL: This five-month-old puppy came to the Kentucky Humane Society this week from an overcrowded Kentucky…

Posted by Kentucky Humane Society on Thursday, November 4, 2021

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