
Victor Rushed to Equine Hospital with Colic Symptoms

Victor Rushed to Equine Hospital with Colic Symptoms

Victor Update


On Saturday morning, Victor got up all on his own! He did need help from the lift each subsequent time he tried to rise that day, but that’s a start. Then, we were told he got up TWICE yesterday on his own. This is great progress! His left hind leg has had some issues with cellulitis complications but he’s on the mend and in the best of hands. Thank you to all of you who are also in his corner!

Horses like Victor Desperately Need You


On Christmas Day, KHS Equine C.A.R.E. staff rushed to Willow Hope Farm when Victor, one of the “Franklin County Thirteen,” started showing symptoms of colic. They were met by an equine veterinarian, who was able to stabilize Victor with emergency nasogastric intubation – a procedure that passes a tube through a horse’s nose and into its stomach to combat colic. They also provided him with antibiotics to fight off cellulitis in his left hind leg, which was likely caused by an untreated wound. Victor started to show small signs of improvement but a couple of days ago, things took a turn for the worst.

When turned out of our quarantined barn for some fresh air, Victor went down and couldn’t get back up. Try as he might, he couldn’t keep his front legs under him. On Friday, we rushed him to Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital, where he’s been under 24/7 observation. Victor is being given intravenous fluids to improve his electrolyte count, and his food intake is being carefully monitored to ensure his condition does not worsen. He is still undergoing treatment for cellulitis in his rear left leg and is being treated for nerve damage in his front right leg as well. 

We wish we could confidently report that Victor will be fine, but his prognosis remains guarded. He will remain at Rood & Riddle until he is stable enough to return to Willow Hope Farm, and frequent updates will be posted on the KHS Equine CARE Facebook page. For now, we are just grateful that he is in our care and able to receive the compassionate, lifesaving care he’s needed for so long. Please keep Victor in your thoughts and continue donating in his honor at kyhumane.org/equine/give

Right now, the national nonprofit organization Petco Love is making your gift even MORE impactful with a lifesaving $30,000 investment. Coupled with the amazing $15,000 matching gift from Eleemosynary by LMH Inc., ALL gifts made to the Kentucky Humane Society by MIDNIGHT on December 31 will TRIPLE to support 3X as many animals in need. Take advantage of this incredible opportunity before it’s too late and donate now. Thank you for caring about animals like Victor!

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