The Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) and The Center for Women & Families established the Safe Haven program in 2001 to help care for the pets of domestic violence survivors. Through this program, hundreds of animals and their owners have escaped abusers.
This program offered through the Center for Women and Families. Only those in domestic violence situations who are currently clients with the Center for Women and Families may apply through their case manager there.
Sadly, many people in abusive relationships delay leaving their abusers due to fear that they may hurt or injure their animal companions. But, KHS is here to help by offering a “safe haven” for their pets.
KHS provides a safe, anonymous foster homes for the beloved dogs and cats of persons seeking help through The Center for Women & Families. This program not only provides a safe place for the pets for up to 60 days, but also helps puts families at ease, knowing their furry friends will receive care and love until they can be reunited. While the pet is in the care of the KHS, they receive any needed medical attention. The service is provided at no cost to survivors.
The Center for Women & Families presented their “Partner of Distinction” award to the Kentucky Humane Society’s Safe Haven program on February 26, 2009.