Purrfect Day Cafe held a kitten shower for KHS on April 14, 2019. Turnout was fantastic and the gifts and offers to help us with kittens this season. In addition, the cafe has donated over $17,500 and found homes for 825 cats so far this year!

Purrfect Day was the purrfect host for the shower, and guests were more than happy to learn about fostering opportunities and to provide much-needed gifts of kitten formula, food, baby wipes, heating pads and everything you could imagine a kitten foster might need. The children in attendance made toys for the kittens, adults learned how they could help and everyone had a wonderful afternoon of socializing with other kitten supporters and providing support to the Kentucky Humane Society.

We want to thank Purrfect Day for their support of the Kentucky Humane Society’s mission to find homes for every adoptable companion animal who comes through our doors. At the shower Purrfect Day Cafe surprised us with an additional $5,000 check, which brings the total amount donated by Purrfect Day Cafe to over $17,500 so far in 2018-2019. In addition to providing KHS with much-needed funds to care for our companion animals, Purrfect Day has found homes for 825 cats and kittens this year alone. 

We truly appreciate our partnership with Purrfect Day Cafe, and want to thank everyone involved in the operations of this remarkable cafe for their support.

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