Sweet Valentine had a broken leg and a broken heart.

She was abandoned by her family after she was hit by a car. They couldn’t afford the operation to remove her shattered leg. And neither could the rural animal shelter that took her in.

But eight-month-old Valentine is one of the lucky ones. Because of generous friends like you, the Kentucky Humane Society was able to operate on Valentine’s leg and give her the time needed to be well and strong again.

We’re prepared to help Kentucky’s needy animals … thanks to you.
With your support, we nursed Valentine through recovery. We were there when she met her new “mom,” Holly – whose three-legged rescue dog had recently passed away. Because of you, Valentine, now renamed Rumi, is training to be a therapy dog.

So many innocent animals need us right now. You can help them by making a gift to the Kentucky Humane Society today.

Thank you for all you do on behalf of Kentucky’s homeless animals. Your love makes the difference.

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