Spring Challenge: Have Your Donation Matched to Save Pets like Cheddar! (Deadline Extended!)

Dear Friend,

Knowing how much you care about innocent animals, I’m excited to tell you about an amazing matching gift opportunity – and to introduce you to our miracle kitten, Cheddar.

Right now, thanks to our friends at Purrfect Day Café – Louisville’s first cat café – every gift we receive before April 30 will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $10,000!

I hope we can count on you today … and so does Cheddar.

Cheddar came to the Kentucky Humane Society on death’s door.


The stray kitten was emaciated, anemic, covered in fleas, and suffering from irritating botfly infestations. With so many ailments at once, we worried the six-week-old kitten wouldn’t make it.

But he reached with his tiny paw to touch our hands, and our hearts melted. Even in pain and frail health, he still craved love and human touch.

It was then we knew Cheddar was a fighter – and might just beat the odds. After 13 days in the hospital, this death-defying kitten was eating on his own, his wounds were healing, and he was putting on weight. Cheddar was finally ready to find a home!

At the Purrfect Day Cafe  which finds wonderful homes for KHS cats  Cheddar waited for a family to fall in love with him. The Boddy family came in, and it was love at first sight! They adopted Cheddar and his real-life finally began.

Cheddar’s story is a true testament to the willpower shelter animals have.

It was a long, hard journey to health for Cheddar … one that wouldn’t have been possible without your generosity and support.

There are so many animals like Cheddar waiting for our help right now. Will you help by donating today?

Your gift will make a real difference … and save twice as many lives!

With gratitude,

Lori Kane Redmon Signature

Lori Kane Redmon
President & CEO

P.S. If made before April 14, your online gift also will be matched by Purrfect Day Café, their staff and customers — and save twice as many lives!

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