KHS Takes in 14 Cats Rescued by Animal Rescue Corps

On October 9 the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) received 14 cats who were rescued by Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) during their “Operation Feline Freedom.” The cats were removed from a former cat sanctuary in Morris Chapel, TN.

A number of the cats arrived at KHS suffering from upper respiratory and eye infections, possibly due to overcrowding in the home where they were rescued, according to Andrea Blair, KHS spokesperson.

“The cats, most of whom are around age two, are extremely social and loving. They adore people and love being petted,” said Blair. “We are happy we will be able to give them loving homes after they were saved from an extreme overcrowding situation.”

Two of the cats have already been adopted through KHS, while many others are still undergoing medical treatment.

ARC removed 88 cats, many who were seriously ill, from a house on August 28, about 40 miles southwest of Jackson, where the owner had been operating a cat sanctuary. ARC is a national nonprofit organization that helps conduct animal rescue operations, providing immediate veterinary care, equipment and placement services for rescued animals.

ARC, accompanied by the Hardin County (TN) Sheriff’s Department, found adult cats and kittens loose in the yard and inside the house. Most of the cats showed symptoms of medical issues, including upper respiratory infections, internal and external parasites, dehydration, eye ulcers, as well as skin, eye, and ear infections. Two cats were each suffering from a broken leg. One cat was taken from the scene for an emergency blood transfusion. 

View Operation Feline Freedom photos on Facebook

“It’s fortunate that we were able to mobilize so quickly to help these cats,” said ARC Director of Animal Welfare Kim Rezac. “Our veterinary teams worked to assess and treat them as quickly as possible.”

The cats’ owner voluntarily surrendered custody of all of the cats and four fish to ARC. ARC transported the animals to their Rescue Operations Center in Lebanon, TN, where the animals received exams, vaccinations and immediately necessary treatments. ARC placed the animals with partner shelter and rescue organizations, including KHS, that will ultimately adopt them into loving homes.

How to Help

You can help these cats and other animals at KHS by donating online. KHS is a private nonprofit agency and relies on donations to care for thousands of ill, injured and homeless animals each year. Your donation gives them help and hope!

 Video courtesy of Animal Rescue Corps:

About Animal Rescue Corps

Animal Rescue Corps (ARC) is a nonprofit animal protection organization that takes direct action in three ways. First, they conduct rescues of animals who fall victim to abuse and natural disaster. Second, they create public awareness of animal suffering. Third, they offer training and assessments for animal shelters, professionals and volunteers. They work closely with government institutions, law enforcement agencies, other animal protection organizations, and communities to improve and strengthen relationships between humans and animals.

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