The Kentucky Humane Society is caring for an extremely emaciated Chihuahua with a body condition score of 1 out of 9, which is the lowest score an animal can have and still be alive. Her temperature was just 90 degrees (11 degrees lower than normal) when she arrived on June 15.

Her condition is now stable but critical, and we are hopeful but unsure if we can save her life. Our veterinary team is monitoring her 24 hours a day. She is receiving fluid and is being fed every two hours.

As animal welfare professionals, it breaks our hearts to see animals in such horrific condition, and we will do everything we can to save her. We will post more information as we have it on Facebook.

If you would like to make a gift in her honor, donations are gratefully accepted. KHS does not receive any government funds, and like all nonprofits, we’ve been hit hard by the pandemic. Your willingness to help vulnerable animals means so much. Thank you for your compassion!


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